
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

My work in progress (WIP) right now is crocheting a pair of socks. Most hand made sock patterns out there are for knitters. And the ones you do find in crochet are... well, they usually call for worsted weight yarn and are really more like house slippers. They are too chunky and inelegant to wear in your shoes. So, although I thought the idea of making my own socks was cool, I never found a pattern I liked, until this one. I'm using a free pattern I stumbled across called Ultimate Crochet Socks and they are fabulous! I have one sock nearly finished and it fits fantastically. And it's comfy! So, hooray for progress on my first pair of crochet socks!

I'm using Debra Norville Serenity Sock Weight yarn in Paprika. It's very lovely, self striping, and soft.

I've had so much fun working on this pair of socks I also bought a book with more sock patterns.

I'll keep you posted after I make a few pairs if the book is a good one. But, I like what I see so far.

So, there you have it... Does it make me weird that I'm all psyched that I can wear socks I made myself? :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Parenting Magazine

Recently I was thrilled to be asked if one of my stuffed animals could be included in the April issue of Parenting Magazine. I just picked up a copy and there it was, my little plush bunny! Hooray!

Of course, the original bunny from the article sold right away, but I've whipped out a few more. You can find them on my Etsy store:  Fickle Pickles

Monday, March 26, 2012

Illustration Friday (On Monday) - SWAMP

Here's my drawing for IF's prompt, swamp, done in ink and copic markers. I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with it... But I promised myself I'd start drawing more and the only way to get better is to dive in and draw. :)